Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shabbat Joy!!

This of all days should be one filled with joy!!
It is one of the most beautiful signs that we are set apart and in covenant with our heavenly Father......a day of rest.....where we do not need to worry about gathering, doing etc, all the things that keep us occupied for the other six days of the week! What an honour and a pleasure for us, the children of the King of Kings to have this one day in which we can glory in Him, rest and recharge our batteries. It was about a year and a half ago that Yeshua started laying on my heart the desire to keep His Shabbat, at this point in time I had no idea what the day entailed except that it was a distinclty 'Jewish' thing to be doing :o) One of my girlfriends tried to make me see that it is now 'spiritual' and every-day is Shabbat for the believers in Yeshua, and keeping the day is only for the Jewish people and if I tried to keep the day it would be legalism and going back under the law :o( ...This desire however would not leave, and I thank Yeshua that He kept on prodding!! This has been such a wonderful journey, lonely at times but more rewarding than any-thing I could ever have imagined. A couple of years ago we were visiting with some friends and I remember saying that I 'know' God loves me with my head, but I have no heart knowledge of this fact......little did I know that He had the most beautiful plan up ahead in which He would reveal His very heart (the Torah) to my own, and now......I can honestly say that I 'know' with my heart that He loves me....I 'see' Him for the very first time.
So today on this.....His day......I want to acknowledge Him and sing a song of praise to Him.....thanking Him for His love, His truth.......His Torah and most of all for Him alone to whom belongs all Glory!!! Won't you join me.....

 I shall compose pleasant psalms and weave hymns, because for You shall my soul pine.
My soul desired the shelter of Your hand, to know every mystery of Your secret.
As I speak of Your glory, my heart yearns for Your love.
Therefore I shall speak of Your glories, and Your Name I shall honor with loving songs.

Song of Glory   - Siddur

Saturday, July 17, 2010

About Time!!

I guess this Shabbat is a REALLY good day to get my blog christened with my first post. My beautiful daughter, Rachel Gavriella, helped me to set every-thing up and I am so very pleased with the results. Having said that.....I am not too sure if I am a 'blogger' :o)...mmmmm. There are a number of blogs that I love following, I find them stimulating and thought provoking and I think that my fellow sisters (whom I would never have even known to exist without the wonder of technology and blogging!) are wonderful, and beautiful and gems in our Father's crown :o). It has been two years since Yah revealed His heart to us as a family, and we have fallen in love with Him and His ways. His Torah has and is becoming the very air that we breathe. If you had told me 3 yrs ago that this would be where we would be standing today, I would never have been able to imagine it. He has truly brought us into a very broad and rich place. All Praise and Glory to Him alone, without His grace, where would we be? I am not the same person I was, both inside and out :o). So back to my ponderings......could I join the ranks of my beautiful sisters and put my thoughts and different stages of my journey down in writing? .....I guess blogging is the one medium that makes the most sense, not only to relieve my own pent up thoughts and ponderings, but it is also such a good way to meet other like-minded sisters. The one thing I am discovering on this journey is that friendship and encouragement are so very important. This can be a really lonely walk.......although we are surrounded by friends and family, we are the only Torah observant believers and most often we are really misunderstood and considered a little strange :o), but we would not have anything different because for the first time we truly do have a future and a hope, an inheritance and a destiny and our faith is practical and real. I do not have a friend to share the intimate growth of my heart with (all my beautiful friends love our Lord, but as mentioned earlier.....they believe the Torah to be done away with), this leaves me with so much in my heart to share and no real outlet. I guess this makes me the perfect blogging candidate!! :o) So I will take my beautiful daughter's advice ( love you Rachel!) and use this corner of cyber space to help ease my filing system :o)  ( information in, process, work through, share and file), we were created to be in community to be challenged and encouraged by one another. Sometimes I feel that if we don't have an outlet we could land up hiding everything in our hearts that eventually we don't know how to share any-more, that is what scares me sometimes. I have kept so much inside for quite sometime that I am afraid that eventually I might not know how to share my heart any-more. So this blogging will be REALLy therapeutic for me and I look forward to this next part of my journey!!