B'reisheet 3:13 'And YHVH saith to the woman, 'What is this thou hast done?' and the woman saith, 'The serpent hath caused me to FORGET - and I do eat.' - Youngs Literal Translation
I really like this translation....... 'the serpent caused me to FORGET'.
YHVH wants us to remember.
All through the Torah Avinu Melchenu (our Father, our King) exhorts us to remember. We are to remember His commandments and His ways. We are to remember who we are, the journey we are on and the work that is to be done. We are to remember that He has given us His heart (Torah) and we are to remember to constantly, daily make the choice to give Him ours.
We are also commanded to remember His Shabbat.
To keep this day 'Holy' - set apart unto Him. Shabbat is a beautiful time of rest..... the one day of the seven day cycle that we have the Creator of the universes permission to take time out. To recharge our batteries. To reflect on the days that have been and perhaps the days that are ahead. To spend time in the presence of the King of Kings. This is the one day that has promise and blessing attached to it ... if we will hear and obey .....
Chava (Eve) 'forgot' and blessing was taken from her.
Let us choose not to 'forget', instead let us strive to always remember...
This Shabbat may you and I refresh and renew ourselves in YHVH
May His blessing rest upon each one of us
and may we know and understand the blessing of His Shalom!
Shabbat Shalom
This was beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing....may you and your family have a very blessed Shabbat!
Blessings and Shalom,
Miss Toria
Very very interesting! Thank you for sharing.
This was a beautiful post!!
Amein! Thanks for sharing. We should always remember and obey His commandments!
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