Friday, September 3, 2010

What's Cooking in your Kitchen?!

Rachel and I found this really lovely book while out and about this week. It was on sale in one of our local bookstores.....and of course I couldn't resist!!
It has some really lovely new recipes (well, new to me!), and it has some lovely suggestions for the menu over the Feast Days.
For this Shabbat we will be trying the 'Friday night rosemary and lemon roast chicken' and the 'chocolate marble cake'. Rachel has been in charge of all the preparations in the kitchen up to now, as I have not had a chance to get to the two baskets of ironing that just seem to be growing ever higher this week so far. Well....ironing done.....and now I can turn my attention to joining her in the kitchen and hopefully getting things done smoothly and in good time.
I send Shabbat blessings to all my Torah observant sisters and your families.......
May the Shabbat lights bring into your home the beauty of truth and the radiance of YHVH's love
May YHVH bless you with Shabbat Joy
May YHVH bless you with Shabbat Holiness
May YHVH bless you with Shabbat Peace



Andi said...

OH Wonderful! I have looked at a cookbook like that for quite a while and just have not purchased one yet. May your Sabbath be filled with joy and peace also!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing! :)